This article exposes the demonstration of byte patching over a typical C++ binary which essentially required a user password to validate his identity and let him log into the system, and such confidential information is only provided to the registered person indeed. This operation lists the following tools of the trade: Besides that, the reverse engineer is supposed to operate the IDA Pro Software IDE features perfectly. This tutorial requires thorough knowledge of Assembly Programming and Hex Code manipulation because patching binary with IDA Pro especially deals with assembly opcode instructions. Ultimately, it is up to your skills and how you apply them as to whether IDA makes your search for vulnerabilities easier. It can only facilitate your attempts to locate software vulnerabilities, bugs and loopholes which are typically utilized by both white hat and black hat professionals. It is really only a static-analysis disassembler tool. IDA Pro is in fact not designed to modify or patch the binary code to suit your needs like other tools such as OllyDbg and CFF Explorer. IDA Pro is intended to assist you in considering the behavior of a binary by offering us disassembled code. IDA Pro appears to have managed mystical potentials in the reverse engineer’s mind by having the impression that merely opening a binary with IDA will reveal all the secrets of a target file. Binary Cracking & Patching with IDA Pro.This article comprises subsequent contents: